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Inspired by love.
Guided by knowledge.

Why We Exist

Purpose: Better lives for people and dogs

In all facets of life, understanding evokes love. With this in mind, we believe that when people can communicate more clearly with their dogs, a more fulfilling and loving bond will emerge between the two.

Lucid exists to open this channel of communication via training-focused activities that reduce dog-related stress so that families can live happier, fuller lives, and dogs can remain in their forever homes with the people who love them most.

Passion: Innovative dog training

In recent years, substantial progress has been made in understanding how both dogs and people best learn. We are driven and structured to use the latest teaching methods and technologies to ensure success.

What We Do

We solve dog-related problems

– Barking
– Potty training
– Running away
– Separation anxiety
– Unwanted jumping
– Pulling on the leash
– Destructive chewing
– Herding behaviors: nipping / chasing
– Aggression toward other dogs / reactivity

More importantly, we empower people

It is true that most of dog training is training the dog’s owner. Because of this, Lucid prioritizes increasing the knowledge and skills of the owner alongside the dog. Whether we are with you in person or online, Lucid is truly a lifetime learning experience.

How We Work

Simple steps to get started

1. Contact us, and we’ll arrange a free training assessment, learn about the situation, and discuss training options that will work best for you, your family, and your dog.

2. Based on the assessment, we work with you to develop an individualized program that works best with your skills, desires and schedule while also considering your dog’s abilities, instincts and motivators. All training plans are unique and custom-created.

What We Offer

Single Sessions

While our goal centers on helping people build longterm relationships with their dogs, we understand that sometimes a session or two is all you need. For instance, we can easily help with:
– new dog adoptions, purchases, and introductions
– new dog issues such as potty training and chewing
– regular care needs such as nail trimming and travel issues

Online Training Programs

Sometimes, online training is a great option. If in-person training isn’t possible due to distance, scheduling conflicts, health circumstances, dog reactivity/aggression, or other logistics, then training online simply makes the most sense. During these sessions, we work one-on-one with our clients and afterward, we electronically provide supplemental training handouts.

In-Person Training Programs

For people who desire deep, active connections with their dogs, Lucid creates customized programs that emphasize engagement and fun through learning exercises, games and activities that simultaneously promote training and relationship building. Because all of our training is done from the home of the dog-owner, environmental stability is supported while socialization and obedience are addressed.

Seminars and Retreats

For dog-friendly businesses, churches, neighborhood associations or other groups, Lucid is available for both learning and training-focused seminars. Example topics include: “Hiking with your dog,” “Managing the dog-friendly company,” and “Safe dogs/safe neighborhood.” On occasion, Lucid may organize training retreats for people seeking quality time with their dogs.

What People Say

They opened my eyes to the capabilities of our dog—things I had no idea she could do.

~ Antje F.

Thanks to the training methods, Jax has completely stopped chasing, barking, and lunging at bicycles, even when they go by us on the sidewalks. I honestly never thought we would be able to be in this position so quickly, based on how bad it was before. It has truly been amazing to see his transformation. I can even take Jax shopping inside stores with me, and he has earned the “favorite dog” title by the employees at our local Rite Aid. He has also turned into the best running partner a girl could ask for!

~ Kelly C.

We have had a great time working with Lucid and would highly recommend them to anyone looking to address behavioral issues or just to better connect with your pet!

~ Antje F. & Brian L.

The ability to be able to email with any questions I had between sessions has been extremely helpful. They would always give me suggestions and pointers on how to deal with everything, and of course, the little pep talks helped as well!

~ Kelly C.

Also, thanks to the ‘place’ training, Jax is no longer is on top of me at all times during household chores. He knows to go and sit there until I release him. He goes running to it now whenever I ask!

~ Kelly C.

Lucid Dog Training was a lifesaver! We adopted a shelter dog a year ago who came to our home with some anxiety and aggression issues. Lucid helped us understand these issues from our dog’s perspective and gave us tools to deal with them.

~ Antje F. & Brian L.

Thank you Lucid for the great help you have given us with Lucy. We are so encouraged. You guys are amazing.

~ Lisa & John W.

Thanks to the training methods, Jax has completely stopped chasing, barking, and lunging at bicycles, even when they go by us on the sidewalks.

~ Kelly C.